Mente Nova
Marketing Automation Quiz
Nail Your Deadlines
The Technical Compass
The Technical Compass
Know Your Roots. Plan Your Growth.
How does your team share technical details?
Through meetings and conversations
Through clear, readily available information
Through resources that often need clarification
How well can you predict system behavior?
System behaviors are clear and consistent
Most behaviors are predictable with research
We’re often surprised by system responses
How do people understand unfamiliar parts of your system?
They can figure it out but it takes time
They have to find the person who built it
Anyone can quickly understand our systems
How does your team feel when making system changes?
We confidently understand the impact of changes
We’re careful but sometimes miss impacts
We worry changes might break other features
How do you spend most of your time in technical meetings?
Solving immediate technical problems
Balancing current needs with future planning
Setting strategic direction and goals
Who drives improvements to your development standards?
Individual developers decide what works best for them
The whole team regularly refines our standards together
Technical leads occasionally update our standards
When team members need technical information…
They easily find everything they need
They can find most answers in documentation
They usually have to ask specific people
How long does it take new team members to become productive?
They can contribute with significant guidance
It takes weeks or months to understand our systems
They’re productive within their first few days
How easily can team members work on different parts of your system?
They adapt easily to different areas
Most stick to their familiar areas
They can work elsewhere with support
How has your development speed changed over the last six months?
Project timelines remain about the same
We deliver faster through better processes
Projects take significantly longer than before
How are your development standards determined and maintained?
Standards vary based on each developer’s preferences
Standards evolve through systematic team review and improvement
Standards were set by senior developers but aren’t updated much
When you have quiet moments to think about your business…
I focus mainly on business growth and opportunities
I think about both technical and business strategy
I mostly think about technical problems and fires
How do you typically discover problems in your systems?
We usually find issues after releasing
We catch most problems during review
Our automated systems prevent most issues
What typically happens after deploying changes?
Changes work as expected
We usually need emergency fixes
We sometimes need minor adjustments
What typically happens after adopting new technologies?
Some choices work better than others
Our choices consistently serve us well
We often regret our technology choices
What would happen if your most knowledgeable technical person left?
We’d struggle but survive with documentation
Our critical systems would be at serious risk
Their departure wouldn’t significantly impact us
How consistent are technical choices across your projects?
Similar projects use similar approaches
All projects follow clear patterns
Each project uses different approaches